1916 Bursary Fund is now open for applications
The 1916 Bursary Fund is now open for applications.
Who can apply?
The Bursaries are targeted at new entry students (entering first year) who are underrepresented in higher education and who are from one or more of the target groups that have low participation rates in higher education:
What is the value of a 1916 Bursary?
Each student who is awarded the 1916 Bursary will receive a bursary in the amount of €5,000 for each year of their undergraduate programme of study. The bursary will be paid each year of the course up to a maximum of four years for full-time students and six years for part-time students providing the recipient complies with the bursary guidelines and progresses to the next academic year of their course.
Closing date is 9th July 2021. Details and the online applications form are available at http://www.nuigalway.ie/accesscentre/scholarships/1916bursary-fund/