Call out for Positive Ageing Week -September 26 – 30, 2022

Positive Ageing Week 2022 is an opportunity to shine a light on all the positive contributions of older people in our communities, and to create a buzz in the city and county which highlights positivity of older age.

One part of the campaign is to showcase older people in our communities who we know to be active contributors to friends, family, neighbourhoods and communities and /or who epitomise healthy and active ageing.

Do you know someone like this?

Wouldn’t it be great to showcase them during Positive Ageing Week?

Here’s what to do:

  1. Write a short description of the person (no more than 200 words), describing their contribution and /or describe their approach to healthy and active ageing
  2. Get their written permission to use the bio and photo in the media during positive ageing week (using the Media Permission Form below)

I attach some bios below as an example in order to take a fairly consistent approach.

Return the bios to Jacquie Lynskey by 2nd AUGUST 2022 with the accompanying media permission form.

 See EXAMPLES and the MEDIA FORM here:

Positive Ageing Week 2022 callout for Bios


Other aspects of Positive Ageing Week will be


  • Exhibitions and events in communities across the City & County – Arrange your own one?
  • School children thanking their grandparents(s) or an older person they know for their contribution to their lives / family / neighbourhood. Cards will be available in libraries
  • A lively and active social media presence across agencies and media using a coordinated hashtag (#Galwaypositiveageingweek) and showcasing examples of the above
  • And others, so any ideas you have would be very much appreciated

Contact: Jacquie Lynskey 086 021 1110 / [email protected]

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