Healthy Galway 21 Day Walking Challenge
Adults of all ages should be physically active at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week, aiming for 150 minutes a week.
Healthy Galway is challenging you to increase your daily step count and walking minutes as part of the Keep Well Campaign. During this time, it is important for us to keep physically active and to take time out of our day to enjoy a walk. Healthy Galway can support you with a pedometer to help you count your steps and this leaflet to help keep track of your progress.
It is important for us to also acknowledge our Energy and Mood levels. Rate both from 1-10 (with 1 Low/ Poor and 10 High/ Great) each day when recording your steps.
Download the Planner here: Healthy Galway Keep Well 21 Day Walking Challenge
If you would like this leaflet posted out to you with a pedometer* and a Hi Viz Vest* please contact [email protected] or phone 087 77 77 790 (*while stocks last).
If you have a smart phone but are unsure how to track your steps with it, we would be happy to talk you through how to do this at the details above.
If you would like more information on walking or local groups, you can find local groups on www.getirelandwalking.ie or you can phone Galway Sports Partnership on 091-509 572 who can help find a group in your area or establish a new walking group.
If you would like to share your experience or photos of your walks you can send them to [email protected] or by post to:
Healthy Galway Coordinator,
County Hall, Prospect Hill,