Minister O’Gorman invites applications to the Parent Peer Support Fund
Minister O’Gorman invites applications to the Parent Peer Support Fund.
Thursday 20 October
- €50,000 will be made available for initiatives promoting parent peer support groups.
- Successful applicants stand to receive grants of up to €2,000 to carry out parent peer support group projects throughout Ireland.
The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, is pleased to announce €50,000 in funding for organisations under the Supporting Parents – Parent Peer Support Fund.
The aim of the initial pilot fund is to make it easier for parents to access peer supports, raise awareness of and invite more parent peer support activities within community and voluntary sector organisations and develop resources in partnership with parents rather than delivered to parents.
In April of this year Minister O’Gorman launched Supporting Parents: A National Model of Parenting Support Services. The vision of Supporting Parents is for all parents to be confident and capable in their parenting role, helping to achieve the best outcomes for children and families. Parent Peer Support is the support provided from one parent to another in an effort to reduce isolation and support parents through parenting challenges.
Minister O’Gorman said: I am delighted to launch the Parent Peer Support Fund. It has been shown that parent peer support groups promote healthy parenting skills, an increased sense of empowerment and a feeling of belonging. This funding will provide an opportunity for parents to gain access to valuable supports from other parents in their community.
How to Apply
Applicants can access a detailed guidance document and complete an online application form here.
For enquiries please contact: [email protected]
Issued by the Press and Communications Office at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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