Each year a local authority hosts the Age Friendly Awards and Wexford County Council are hosting the National Awards event for 2023 on 30th November in Clayton Whites Hotel, Co. Wexford. The primary aim of these awards is to recognise and reward achievement in age friendly initiatives around Ireland. We are calling for organisations, individuals/members of the public, agencies, and communities to submit applications on projects or programmes that they consider to be age friendly. As with previous years, eight categories of awards, aligning to the WHO themes, have been chosen as they have a meaningful impact on the lives of older people in Ireland:
- Age Friendly Transport Award
This category recognises the vital difference that availability to good quality, easily accessible, user-friendly and reliable transport options can make to an older person.
- Active & Healthy Ageing Award
This category recognises those initiatives that optimise opportunities for good health in later years, so that older people can continue to play an active role in community life.
- Age Friendly Business Innovation Award
This category acknowledges age-aware businesses which are innovative in their approach, and which recognise that older people as both producers and consumers bring a wealth of experience and expertise to our society.
- Age Friendly Safety & Security Award
This category acknowledges the impact of community-based responses that enable older people to feel secure in their homes and in the wider community, and to know what to do when they don’t.
- Age Friendly Communications Award
This category recognises efforts being made around the country to bridge the digital information gap and ensure older people have access to clear and concise information on a range of aspects which affect their lives.
- Age Friendly Community Innovation Award
This category recognises those innovative projects that are driven by older people for older people which enhance not only the lives of older people but benefit the community at large.
- Age Friendly Environment Award
This category recognises projects and facilities that bring about change in the built physical environment with older people in mind – by implementing simple improvements such as improved access, public seating, and level paths/trails.
- Age Friendly Housing Award
This category recognises innovative housing initiatives that enable older people to remain living independently as long as possible.
***Closing date for applications: 1pm on Friday, 30th June 2023***
For more information please visit the Age Friendly Ireland website, click the link below: https://agefriendlyireland.ie/category/national-age-friendly-recognition-awards/how-to-apply-for-the-awards/
To apply please click on the link: Application Form