New HSE Campaign #HoldFirm launched and other resources
Message from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support Team
Update for PPN Members- 10th May
We wish to thank you for your ongoing support in helping to share information about COVID-19. This is a note to let you know of a few communications updates.
Some interesting insights in a report published by the Department of Health yesterday on Public Opinion Tracking in regard to Covid 19, available here.
HoldFirm – the HSE’s new campaign
Information on the HSE’s new campaign called HoldFirm, launched on 9th May 2020 can be found here including details on how you and your organisation can help support the campaign and share the message. Campaign assets are also available here filed under ‘HoldFirm assets’.
The Partner Pack for this Campaign can be downloaded here: HoldFirm Partner Pack.
Updated COVID-19 Resources
The most up to date COVID-19 poster in English can be found here.
Wellbeing ‘In This Together’
The campaign this week incorporates a Leaving Certificate wellbeing page. We appreciate your continued support of this campaign under the #InThisTogether
Other Resources/Campaigns
- The Government’s roadmap for reopening society and business can be found here.
- The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) launched a campaign urging anyone with potential signs and symptoms of cancer to telephone their GP to check them out. The number of patients being referred to cancer diagnostic services has decreased since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic which is a cause of concern for the NCCP as it indicates that people with symptoms of cancer are delaying seeking medical advice. A video was developed urging people with signs and symptoms of cancer to telephone their GP and have them checked out, this new video is available here.
- The Irish Hospice Foundation Covid-19 Care & Inform Hub includes a range of information resources and videos focusing on the themes of grief, funerals in exceptional times, planning ahead and a suite of resources for healthcare professionals. It can be found here.
- ‘Men and COVID-19’ Webinar – an invitation – The Engage National Men’s Health Training Programme partners have invited Alan White, Emeritus Professor of Men’s Health at Leeds Beckett University, to present insights into ‘Men and experience of COVID-19’. The presentation will include current evidence and a Q&A afterwards. To book a place, send an email to Colin Fowler at: [email protected] (Places are limited and offered on a first-come-first-served basis. The 1 hour online webinar will take place on Wednesday 13th May 2020 at 11.00 am).
- Dawn Chorus – Creative Aging International have come together with Sing Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy of Music to bring you Dawn Chorus. The idea is simple, easy and free and may involve a neighbourhood group or joining a local choir and connection through song. There is an opportunity to rehearse online, on the phone, at the front gate, or on the local street.
- The ‘Dementia: – Understand Together’ campaign offer online activities and resources.
- Bealtaine Festival – events and full programme here
- Age & Opportunity have developed a range of resources on building resilience, keeping active and getting creative which can be found here.
- Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s National Helpline – this helpline is expanding with a new free call-back service which offers people with dementia and family carers from anywhere in Ireland the opportunity to book a 1:1 session with a Dementia Nurse or a Dementia Adviser during the COVID-19 public health emergency. People with dementia and their family carers who want to avail of this new service can contact the National Helpline to make an appointment which is open six days a week Monday to Friday 10am–5pm and Saturday 10am–4pm on 1800 341 341
- Invitation to Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control Team COVID-19 webinar: Topic: ‘COVID-19 Infection Control guidance for Vulnerable Group Settings’. Presented by Prof. Martin Cormican , National HCAI Clinical Lead & Mary McKenna, IPC Nursing Lead, AMRIC Team (May 14th from 5pm – 6.15pm). Pre-register for the event by copying this link to internet browser and follow the instructions: You can listen to the webinar on the computer but sound quality is better over the phone: Dial in number by telephone: 015260058, Access code: 952371938
If your organisation has any specific requests in relation to COVID-19 public health information materials, please email us at [email protected] to let us know.
Stay well and stay safe.
Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support Team