Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2020- apply now.


Galway County Council issues information and forms for the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme, 2020.


The objective of the Scheme is to provide funding for the development of new outdoor recreational infrastructure and for the necessary repair, enhancement or promotion of existing outdoor recreational infrastructure.


The scheme invests in the physical infrastructure that underpins sporting and recreational activities based on the use of the resources of the countryside; these contribute to healthy active lifestyles while building on the economic and tourism potential of the area, and so are to the benefit of both local communities and tourist visitors alike.


The scheme may also provide some limited funding for the marketing and promotion of such infrastructure, typically as part of a wider project involving capital supports.


Related documents:

Note: Pay particular attention to Measure 1 – Deadline for Submission 13th July, 2020 which is aligned with Town and Village and CLAR deadlines – In order to determine the best fit, for the project under each of these schemes.  Deadlines for Measures 2 & 3 – 16th October, 2020.


Attached are examples from across the Country from last year- for reference.


Under Measure 1: Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme.  When Irish Forms etc become available, we will circulate.


Application Forms and Queries, please submit to [email protected] (selection of projects under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme for 2020 will be by means of a competitive process).



Categories of application

  • Applications are accepted from local authorities and/or state agencies under the following measures:
  • Measure 1: small-scale maintenance/promotional and marketing projects to include grant aid amounts of up to €20,000  –  Local Authority will submit 7 projects.  Local Development Company 2 Projects. Deadline for Submission 13th July, 2020.
  • Measure 2: medium-scale repair/upgrade and new trail/amenity development grant amounts of up to €200,0003 projects. Deadline  16th October , 2020 – Eligible Applicant: Local Authority
  • Measure 3: Large-scale repair/upgrade and new strategic trail development grant amounts of over €200,000 and up to €500,000
  •  1 Project.   Eligible Applicant: Local Authorities & State Agencies. Deadline 16th October, 2020.




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