PPN January 2024 Newsletter

Dear PPN Members,

To see our PPN January 2024 Newsletter please click: HERE.

The PPN Newsletter, as always, is packed with info on funding, trainings, consultations, news, events, activities, meetings, supports and resources, that would be relevant to the Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion, or Environment pillars of the Galway County Public Participation Network.

Newsletter Content Submission Deadline is the 24th of each Month – for the following month’s news!

The next newsletter (February 2024) will have a special focus on the Social Inclusion Pillar of the PPN.

Please email content for the newsletter to [email protected] or [email protected]

Write “PPN Newsletter” in the subject of the email, and include if relevant: web link, image, contact details, news content.

Remember to follow us on Social Media and tag us in your events or news.

facebook.com/GalwayCountyPPN   |   twitter.com/GalwayCoPPN   |   #GalwayCountyPPN   |   @GalwayCountyPPN

Kind Regards,

Galway County PPN Staff

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