PPN February 2024 Newsletter

Dear PPN Members,

To see our PPN February 2024 Newsletter please click: HERE.

PDF for printing is available here: ppn-february-2024-newsletter.
(note the newsletter is formatted for better reading online).

The PPN Newsletter, as always, is packed with info on funding, trainings, consultations, news, events, activities, meetings, supports and resources, that would be relevant to the Community & VoluntarySocial Inclusion, or Environment pillars of the Galway County Public Participation Network.

Newsletter Content Submission Deadline is the 23rd of each Month – for the following month’s news!

The next newsletter (March 2024) will have a special focus on the Environment Pillar of the PPN.

Please email content for the newsletter to [email protected] or [email protected]

Write “PPN Newsletter” in the subject of the email, and include if relevant: web link, image, contact details, news content.

Remember to follow us on Social Media and tag us in your events or news.

facebook.com/GalwayCountyPPN   |   twitter.com/GalwayCoPPN   |   #GalwayCountyPPN   |   @GalwayCountyPPN


Kind Regards,

Galway County PPN Staff

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