Street Scape Enhancement Measure 2021
Galway County Council is pleased to announce a Streetscape Enhancement Measure under the Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2021.
Our Rural Future is the Government’s five-year strategy to revitalise rural Ireland and includes a commitment to upgrade and enhance shopfronts and street facades in our rural towns and villages. Improving the visual appearance of our urban streetscapes increases pride and confidence in our towns and villages, making them more attractive places to live, work and do business.
This activity will be funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development (DRCD) through this Streetscape Enhancement Measure for 2021. This is an additional Measure introduced as part of the Town & Village Renewal Scheme and €7 million is being made available under this Measure in 2021 with a total allocation to Galway County Council of €320,000.
Galway County Council has selected 6 towns for inclusion in the Streetscape Enhancement Measure 2021 as follows:
– Ballygar
– Glenamaddy
– Headford
– Loughrea
– Oranmore
– Oughterard
Galway County Council has selected a scheme boundary area for each of the 6 towns and these will be the priority areas for selecting premises for improvement/painting works.
This Measure will support activity such as painting (including murals), signage replacement, shopfront improvement, lighting, and canopies.
Eligible applicants are tenants or owners of commercial, residential or unoccupied buildings in the town/village centres locations as defined in the scheme boundary maps for each area.
Any applications received for premises outside of these priority areas will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Note: Tenants must submit written consent from the owner premises for the specified works.
Applications are now open until Midnight Tuesday 07th September 2021. Completed Application forms should be sent via email to [email protected]
TV Street Enhancement Measure APPLICATION FORM
Guidelines-TVRS – Streetscape Enhancement 2021 -ENG Final
Streetscape Enhancement Measure Maps